Reykjavik and neighbourhood

A typical Reykjavk street
with view of the golf and
the Esjan mountain


The Viey Island and
Esjan behind

Viey again (well,
Prometheus was having
 a hard time...) 

ingvellir ("Parliament Fields")

ingvellir in all their glory

The same place from a
shorter distance

Somewhere near it... notice
the form of my hood - I had
worn too cold clothes for
such a wind...

Gullfoss ("Golden Waterfall")

View from above

And now from below :-)

Water wall

And its really golden...

Geysir ("Errupter")

A neighbooring geyser which
throws out every 12 minutes

Fortunately falls this boiling
 water stream not so far
from its crater...

A "monument" for the
famous Geysir which no
 longer works

Vestmannaeyjar ("Western People Islands" or "Irelanders Island")

On the way to the harbour

Basalt cliff

Various places

Unknown girl looking into
 the distance

Icelander who is taking
 a rest on the stone heap

This is not geysirs but
rather some factory that
produces the smoking

"And on stones grow the trees..."

Glacier that goes up into the sky


Hot water source

Borgarnes - a small cosy
 town in Western Iceland

Its cool early in the
morning, brrr!

The Faroe Islands (an archipelago situated between
Iceland and Scotland; an autonome territory being a part
of Danish Kongdom)

The most southern island - Suuroy

A dark january morning -
Streymoy this time

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